ArbIt – the Italian Forum for Arbitration and ADR – originated in the year 2009, from an initiative taken by a group of Italian professionals specialised in international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.

On occasion of its tenth anniversary, ArbIt became a not-for-profit association recognised under Italian law and is today the ideal place where professionals and institutions can profitably confront each other on issues related to the use of arbitration and other ADR tools.
ArbIt has given Italy greater visibility in the world of international arbitration, as well as giving international arbitration greater visibility in Italy, in a context where the internalisation of the economy and trade requires efficient resolution of disputes.
The goal is therefore to continue to boost Italy’s presence in the international arbitration scenario and, at the same time, to see in Italy a growing arbitration community, increasingly appreciated and recognised for its high professionalism.
In particular, pursuant to its By-Laws, the Association’s objectives, on the issues of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, are:
to promote their evolution in law and practice;
to increase the development and quality of relevant scientific activity;
to carry out and encourage the carrying out of studies, research and initiatives;
to give a voice to scholars and experts in the field;
to solicit discussion and confrontation on topics of particular relevance, essential for theoretical and practical evaluation;
to encourage, in a pluralistic spirit, the expression and circulation of orientations and reflections on specific themes and issues;
to promote and support the teaching of arbitration and A.D.R. law in Universities, Masters, specialisation courses and post-graduate courses in general;
facilitate and encourage communication and debate with institutions and arbitration bodies, the judiciary and the world of the legal professions;
to promote and encourage the exchange of information of relevant interest;
to provide advice and support to institutions, bodies and entities that request it in relation to their initiatives in support of and for the promotion of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution;
collect and process data and news for statistical or research purposes;
proceed with information and communication activities in general.
“AIA-Arbit-40” is the association for young professionals, academics and students, aged 40 or below, who have an interest in arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms and are somehow linked to Italy.
The group was created under the auspices of ArbIt and AIA, the two main Italian associations devoted to the promotion of arbitration and the culture of ADR in Italy.
Being a member of the “below 40” association does not preclude any interested individual from becoming a full member of ArbIt, from participating in events and initiatives organized by our senior associations. Quite the opposite! The strength of “AIA-ArbIt-40” comes from the support, and complementary character, of both ArbIt and AIA.
If you are interested, please visit aia-arbit-40.org