ArbIt regularly organizes Events, Seminars and Conferences, in Italy and Abroad. Some of the events are for members only. ArbIt is often invited by arbitral institutions, in Italy and abroad, to participate to ad hoc private meetings for exchanging views, experiences and sharing updates on the practice of arbitration and ADR.
12 giu 2024
Navigating Arbitral Seats Around the Word: How to handle arbitrations seated in italy & how to navigate the choice of arbitral seat
3 apr 2024
Latest Updates on the Impact of Sanctions on Arbitration: a Talk with Experts
29 mar 2023
Quali prospettive per l’arbitrato in Francia e Italia nel 2023?
L’Italian Forum for Arbitration and ADR (ArbIt) si unisce all’Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato (AIA) e al gruppo AIA-ArbIt-40 per organizzare un evento italofono durante la Paris Arbitration Week (PAW2023) sul tema “Quali prospettive per l’arbitrato in Francia e Italia nel 2023?”. L’evento si terrà in lingua italiana il 29 marzo 2023 dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 10.30 presso lo studio Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 a Parigi, sarà moderato da Larisa Babiy (AIA-ArbIt-40), Valentine Chessa (AIA – French Chapter) e Marina Matousekova (ArbIt), con i seguenti speakers: Andrea Carlevaris (Bonelli Erede), Claire Pauly (Jones Day) e Lucia Bonetto (ICC).
The Italian Forum for Arbitration and ADR (ArbIt) joins the Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato (AIA) and the group AIA-ArbIt-40 to organize an italophone event during the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW2023) on the theme “Quali prospettive per l’arbitrato in Francia e Italia nel 2023?”. The event will be held in Italian on 29 March 2023 from 8.30 to 10.30 at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP in 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris. It will be moderated by Larisa Babiy (AIA-ArbIt-40), Valentine Chessa (AIA – French Chapter) and Marina Matousekova (ArbIt), and the speakers will be: Andrea Carlevaris (Bonelli Erede), Claire Pauly (Jones Day) and Lucia Bonetto (ICC).